This post shows new users and students what the apt-get command is and how to use it. Ubuntu Linux OS is probably the best system for new users and students learning how to use and manage Linux. Ubuntu is an open-source Linux operating system that runs on desktops, laptops, servers, and other devices. When you’re ready to learn how to use the apt-get commands, follow the guide below: About apt-get command: The apt-get command is used by system administrators on Debian-based systems to work with APT software packages. APT (the Advanced Packaging Tool) is Debian Linux software for managing .deb packages on Linux systems. It is an efficient way to manage packages on Linux systems using the APT package management tool. Dependencies for each package are managed automatically, and upgrades and downgrades are handled carefully to ensure system stability. Like using your mouse and keyboard to install or remove packages from Linux systems. the apt-get is the way to do it on the command line for Debian-based systems. Syntax: The syntax is the rule and format of how the apt-get command can be used. the syntax’s options can be reordered. but a straight format must be followed.,. Below is an example syntax of how to use the apt-get command. Options: The command line options are switches or flags that determined how the commands are executed or controlled. they modify the behavior of the command. they are separated by spaces and followed after the commands options. Below are some options for the apt-get command: Examples: Below are some examples of how to run and use the apt-get on Ubuntu Linux. If you want to install a package called libc6, you run the commands below. The command will fetch all sources on the computer for a package called libc6 and install them, along with all its dependencies and configuration files. If you want to remove the libc6 package from your system, you run the commands below.. the commands remove the libc6 and all its dependencies. After removing the libc6 package from your system, you can use the clean option to clean the local disk of downloaded archived files for installed packages. which can help to clean up your disk. To download the archive for the package libc6 in the current working directory, run the commands below. The command options above also have sub-options that can be used to manage packages. [sudo apt install -f libc6] Use the -f, –fix-broken sub option to fix or attempt to correct broken dependencies.Use the -m, –ignore-missing, –fix-missing sub option to ignore missing packages.Use the -y, –yes, –assume-yes sub option to automatically select yes to prompts.Use the –force-yes sub option to force yes when installing / upgrading or removing packages.Use the –reinstall sub option to reinstall packages that are already installed.Use the –no-download sub option to for apt tool to only install from download archive files on the local system. When you run apt-get with the –help option, you’ll see the help text below: That’s it! Hope you like it and please come back soon for more Ubuntu Linux commands! You may also like the commands below: